Saturday, May 18, 2024

Take me way back to the late 80s and create a color 64 bbs emulator with door games. With fake users and sysop mode as well in python



Creating a nostalgic BBS (Bulletin Board System) emulator in Python with colorful text, fake users, sysop mode, and door games is a fun project! Below is a simple Python script that demonstrates a basic BBS emulator with these features. We'll use colorama for color text support and random to generate fake users.

First, ensure you have colorama installed:

pip install colorama

Here's the Python script:

import random import time from colorama import init, Fore, Back, Style # Initialize colorama init(autoreset=True) # Fake users data fake_users = [ {"username": "RetroGamer", "status": "online"}, {"username": "SysopMaster", "status": "offline"}, {"username": "TechGuru", "status": "online"}, {"username": "BBSFan", "status": "online"}, {"username": "NetSurfer", "status": "offline"} ] def display_welcome_message(): print(Fore.CYAN + "Welcome to the Retro BBS!") print(Fore.CYAN + "Connecting to the BBS..." + Fore.GREEN + " Connected") print(Fore.CYAN + "====================================") def list_users(): print(Fore.YELLOW + "User List:") for user in fake_users: status_color = Fore.GREEN if user["status"] == "online" else Fore.RED print(f"{user['username']}: {status_color}{user['status']}") def door_games(): print(Fore.MAGENTA + "Available Door Games:") print(Fore.MAGENTA + "1. Tradewars 2002") print(Fore.MAGENTA + "2. Legend of the Red Dragon") print(Fore.MAGENTA + "3. Barren Realms Elite") print(Fore.MAGENTA + "4. Exit") def sysop_mode(): print(Fore.BLUE + "Entering Sysop Mode...") print(Fore.BLUE + "1. View System Logs") print(Fore.BLUE + "2. Manage Users") print(Fore.BLUE + "3. Exit Sysop Mode") def view_system_logs(): print(Fore.BLUE + "System Logs:") logs = [ "User RetroGamer logged in.", "User BBSFan started a game of Tradewars 2002.", "User TechGuru logged out." ] for log in logs: print(Fore.BLUE + log) def manage_users(): print(Fore.BLUE + "Managing Users:") for user in fake_users: print(Fore.BLUE + f"{user['username']} is {user['status']}") def main_menu(): while True: print(Fore.CYAN + "\nMain Menu:") print(Fore.CYAN + "1. List Users") print(Fore.CYAN + "2. Play Door Games") print(Fore.CYAN + "3. Enter Sysop Mode") print(Fore.CYAN + "4. Exit") choice = input(Fore.CYAN + "Choose an option: ") if choice == "1": list_users() elif choice == "2": door_games() game_choice = input(Fore.MAGENTA + "Choose a game: ") if game_choice == "4": continue else: print(Fore.MAGENTA + "Launching game...") time.sleep(2) print(Fore.MAGENTA + "Enjoy your game!") elif choice == "3": sysop_mode() sysop_choice = input(Fore.BLUE + "Choose an option: ") if sysop_choice == "1": view_system_logs() elif sysop_choice == "2": manage_users() elif sysop_choice == "3": continue elif choice == "4": print(Fore.CYAN + "Goodbye!") break else: print(Fore.RED + "Invalid option, please try again.") if __name__ == "__main__": display_welcome_message() main_menu()

This script sets up a simple BBS emulator with the following features:

  1. Welcome Message: Displays a welcome message and simulates connecting to the BBS.
  2. List Users: Lists fake users with their online/offline status.
  3. Door Games: Displays a list of door games.
  4. Sysop Mode: Allows entering sysop mode to view system logs and manage users.
  5. Main Menu: Provides a main menu to navigate through the options.

Run this script, and it will give you a nostalgic feel of a late 80s BBS system. You can expand this by adding more functionality and interactive elements as needed.

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